Then there are the people that live here in the desert. We are a breed apart. For example, it will be raining and because the streets have *no* drainage, every little dip in the road floods. So what do we do? Do we turn around when we see a road closed sign? Nope. Every year at least 4 people in cars the size of a matchbox will try to traverse the flood. What makes them think they can plow through the raging river? Did the tree floating by not cause them any concern? These are just some of the things I like to think about. I wonder what it is about us that stops our commonsense dead in its tracks?
I saw this and thought it would be a perfect example of what I am talking about:
Stored Bullets Explode in Wis. Oven
(AP)HOWARD, Wis. - A man and his wife ducked behind a refrigerator when bullets began exploding in their oven, authorities say. Capt. Craig Kohlbeck of the Brown County Sheriff's Department said the husband had put the ammunition and three handguns in the oven before the couple left on a vacation. He told officers he thought the items would be safe there in case someone broke into the home while they were away. After returning from their trip Tuesday, the wife turned on the oven to prepare dinner and the bullets ignited, Kohlbeck said. No one was hurt.
First of all… What the hell were they thinking? Who goes on vacation and worries about someone steeling their bullets and guns? Oh sure Mr. Burglar come on in and steel my TV, stereo, family jewels, and anything not nailed down… But *please* don’t take my guns. Didn’t you *supposedly* get the guns to *stop* would be robbers, not worry about them being stolen?
Second, if you use your oven as a hiding place, it might behoove you to take a gander in there before turning that sucker on. Heat + Explosives = Bad. Kindergartners know that. Why wouldn’t they hide it in the freezer where I hide all of my good stuff. Oops.
I guess the point of all this today is a hope that you aren’t taking life too seriously. Sometimes you just need to look around and enjoy what you see. It’s too easy to forget to smile at the ridiculous.
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