Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Say What?

How people behave online amazes me. While working I'm constantly wondering how these people function in the real world. I don't understand why someone would present themselves like an idiot, or enjoy being a jerk. Anonymity brings out some strange things in people. I've started to think that it amplifies traits you already have. So a jerk will be an even bigger jerk in that type of environment.

I've come across people who will literally waste hours of their life repeatedly being a jerk to only find themselves right where they started again. You're wasting both of our time, but at least I'm paid for it. Then there's the overly sensitive person who will be crushed because someone called them "mean". How did you make it through kindergarten? I was called far worse on the monkey bars.

Just because people don't know it's you, doesn't mean you're not aware. If you don't mind that you act like a jerk just because they're not looking at your face, they don't need to see your face to see the real you.

"The Internet is just a world passing around notes in a classroom." -- Jon Stewart

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