Thursday, April 10, 2008

Time For Change

That's right, a new job! Ah, but this isn't any job, this is a "man, it sure would be fun to do that" kind of job. I'm thrilled really because I can do this job from anywhere. This means I can fly home for nephew time at any point. It also has the added bonus of being rather fun.

I had been lusting after this job in a rather unattractive way. I was almost a bit obsessed and had done quite a lot of extra work to prove myself. Poor Dina had to sit there and listen to me second guess every single thing. I felt like I was walking on eggshells worried that one wrong move would remove me from eligibility.

At least now Dina gets a vacation from my insanity... well perhaps not. But she at least doesn't have to hear me say, "Can you read this over and tell me what you think" for at least a month.

"Doing nothing is very hard to never know when you're finished." -- Leslie Nielsen

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