Sunday, June 15, 2008

Wait And See

With surgery, radiation, and chemo winding down, I can't help but be somewhat reassured. She did very well with her treatments, even if I wish she had taken more time off work than the day after her treatment. Apparently that's the day it hit her the most and she considered the "bad day". In her words, "She just keeps on truckin' on". Perhaps that's the most important thing any of us can do, just keep going.

Thankfully as my mom is truckin' my dad has been a nice backseat driver. He's taken over everything and gone to every single appointment. With the beard he grew when he retired he now looks like a big gray grizzly trailing after her. He's what I'd want to be if I had to help someone through this, and exactly what I'd need if I were in mom's shoes. I'm proud of them both.

Now we wait. The waiting doesn't really end. We'll always be waiting for the next checkup or milestone. There's the first clean test, the first year...etc. However I have no doubt she'll continue truckin', and my dad will be in the passenger seat with the road map.

"Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway." -- John Wayne

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