Sunday, December 30, 2007

Here we go again....

I'm a glutton for punishment... I'm amazed I'm going to even attempt the blog thing again. Putting thoughts to paper for others to read just allows them to discover that you weren't kidding when you told them of your insanity. To make matters worse, I've come up with the monumentally stupid idea to centralize my past posts from previous blogs (I'll time stamp them so they end up in the correct order before this post chronologically). This probably explains the entirely ridiculous title for this blog. We'll see if that actually happens once my lazy procrastination genes kick in.

Why now? I think a good part of it is that I am visiting my parents and bored outta my mind. Me bored only leads to bad things. So I inexplicably made a Facebook page (If you want that whole interactive friend web experience or want to contact me) which eventually made me want to Google folks from my past. I really wouldn't recommend this unless you're trying to kick yourself in the rear and remind yourself of past hurts or regrets. So once again I think it would be nice to blog and establish some kinda social network outside of my normal one. Part of me is scared to death that this means others will Google me and I'll have some explanations to make regarding my internet absence.... oh goodie.

I realize I sound unhappy. Here's the thing, I'm not. Perhaps that's why I am setting myself up....

"Mistakes are part of the dues one pays for a full life." -- Sophia Loren

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