Tuesday, February 19, 2008

DE Phone Home

There's a very specific tone of voice a person gets when the conversation isn't going to be one you like. It's almost like they're grabbing the armrest and preparing for an emergency water landing. My mom had that tone of voice, and I immediately assumed I had screw something up. In the past that would've been a pretty good assumption.

Frankly I wish I had screwed something up. That I can be ready for, that doesn't suck the air from your lungs and leave you searching for something to say that either expresses your feelings or reassures. She was scared, something I really haven't heard before that I can recall. I found myself asking the appropriate questions, but really I don't know how I managed.

At some points, my relationship with my parents has been rather rocky. But I'm quite glad to say that isn't really the case anymore, and I actually quite enjoy visits and phone calls. I find myself quite proud of all of us. After that phone call, I found myself even more proud of my parents. I won't need to have a pink ribbon to show my mom my support, I'll be calling and visiting as much as possible to make that very clear.

"Sooner or later we all quote our mothers." -- Bern Williams

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