Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Soul Mate

The phrase soul mate gets tossed around constantly. It's in every trashy book I read with vigor, and every B romantic comedy. I have found my soul mate, and I don't even feel cheesy in saying so.

My soul mate is wonderful bringing me both a sense of comfort and a salty tang. It's tomato goodness coats everything bringing me unimaginable joy. My dear ketchup, the most important of all condiments, I shall never forsake you.

Sure, we have fights like all soul mates, but we forgive and move on. I've all ready forgiven my love for covering me head to toe in the middle of a restaurant. I shouldn't have shaken you so vigorously, I was wrong. It's just a shame that innocent bystanders also had to rinse you out of their hair. It's ok because we forgive. I didn't need that shirt or my new jacket, it's not your fault some careless fool took you for granted and didn't screw your top on the way you like. My clothes, our table, and all the people near by have already forgiven you... for we will be reaching for you again as soon as the next basket of fries arrives.

"Those who forget the pasta are condemned to reheat it." -- Author Unknown

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