Friday, January 23, 2009

Furry Face

Good writing touches you, makes you connect to it, and allows you to feel something. At times it comes from places I wouldn't expect. There's an ESPN writer that Dina reads. At one point she sent me a link to an article he wrote about his dog. Anyone whose ever had an animal can relate. By the end, I wiped away the tears and had an overwhelming urge to call my dad to ask about the puppy of doom. I miss my puppy, but I know she's happy where she is.

Leaving her in Tucson wasn't easy, yet I knew it was the best thing. She'd gotten used to dad and he, in his retirement, made her his best friend. I hate when leaving something you love behind is the best choice. Thankfully she remembers me. Each time I visit she climbs up me in an effort to sit on my shoulders. Though now she generally ends up laying on my chest.

"If you are a dog and your owner suggests that you wear a sweater... suggest that he wear a tail." ~Fran Lebowitz

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