Thursday, March 4, 2004

Night night

I’m a night person. I bet you couldn’t have figured that out yourself just by looking at the times I post, but I thought I’d go ahead and state the obvious. There’s just something about its quiet that attracts me. For as much as I complain, I’m lucky to live in Arizona during these times. Here you can be looking out at thousands of stars littering the sky while listening to a lone coyote in the background. You can stand out there in the cool air and either hide in the shadows or bask in the moonlight.

There are no phones, no questions, no expectations, and no responsibilities. It’s a little piece of freedom. Some find it depressing, but at lest you don’t have to have others around to observe any loneliness, faults, or demons. Your worst can be set free and you don’t have to worry about any judgments.

I hated the night for a long time, especially here in the desert. I hated its shadows and eerie silence. I found it to be a lonesome time filled with the darkest thoughts and deepest secrets. It was like a dark shroud of unease that blanketed everything you could see. That was before. That was when I wasn’t able to notice the beauty in the moon protecting me against the shadows.

It’s amazing to me how perspectives can change even about the smallest things. No one changed my view, time took care of that. My hope is that right now, at a time I would love to change someone’s opinion, I allow time to work with me.

Random Thought:

Why can’t I be smarter than saran wrap? I start by trying to cover a bowl of leftovers, and end up tangled in 400 yards of sticky plastic and needing the jaws of life to come help me out.

“I haven’t a clue as to how my story will end. But that’s all right. When you set out on a journey and night covers the road, you don’t conclude that the road has vanished. And how else could we discover the stars?” -- Unknown

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