Thursday, July 8, 2004


The last couple days I’ve been a tad under the weather. Not a really big deal. What I find funny is that most people when sick vegetate in front of the television with a bowl of soup and a box of Kleenex. That would be a normal thing to do. I, because I am freakishly geeky, insist on spending that time with a box of Kleenex and tinkering on the computer. I was even looking for things to tinker with. There’s something about mindless work that makes me feel better. Oh don’t get me wrong... I was still able to catch 37 rerun episodes of the ‘Golden Girls’ on Lifetime. So I got my veg quota in. The reason I bother saying all this in case anyone was wondering why I changed the look of this here blog. It’s not really that I like this one better; it’s just that I needed a tinkering fix.

I’m not a very pleasant person when I’m not feeling well. I’m not saying that normally I’m a pearl of happiness or anything, but when sick I turn into a horrifying combination of a three toed sloth and Roseanne Barr. It’s an interesting combination and one that I’m sure will do wonders for my social life in general. I remember days when there was someone around when I wasn’t feeling well. And even though I was a pain in the ass and prolly resembled a groaning grumpy pile of Kleenex, it was still nice to have someone there. I’m not the type of person that wants to be coddled when sick. Toss the things I need at me and head for cover. I just wanna dwell in my own unhealthiness. But there was something about the knowledge that someone was within shouting distance. Maybe one day... Though half my problem is that first I would have to ask someone to be here even though the risk is that they can in fact say no. Until then I will happily continue to tinker about on this puter and try to discover if there is something really going on between Blanche and Rose.

“The New England Journal of Medicine reports that 9 out of 10 doctors agree that 1 out of 10 doctors is an idiot.” -- Jay Leno

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